Chimney repair in Kent by B.L. Roofing and sons. Your chimney is a vital part of your home. Being constantly exposed to the elements, such as wind, rain, and general weathering, chimneys often experience early deterioration, making timely repairs essential for roof longevity.

Many people do not realise that there may be structural problems with their chimney, after all, the chimney is on the roof and is hidden from view.


Flaking render or falling mortar from bricks are telltale signs that your chimney is in need of chimney repair in Kent. Another sign is that your chimney is starting to lean to one side this can indicate that the mortar has blown or is compromised.

Traditional mortar although commonly used in chimneys will often naturally deteriorate again this is due to the elements.

If you feel you need chimney repair in Kent it is important to get the problems resolved as swiftly as possible, the reasons for this include the fact that if left unchecked there is a possibility of falling debris that may cause damage to your home or neighbouring properties

Another reason is the fact that if your chimney has blown there is an increased chance of water entering the roof and eaves of your home this can lead to profound structural problems meaning that what was once a simple chimney repair in Kent becomes a major issue.

Damp entering your home can not only be destructive to the building it can also be damaging to your health.

Fully insured and reliable all workmanship is guaranteed, new installations come with up to a 25 year warranty.

Chimney Repairs in Kent


This is a common chimney repair in Kent, firstly a member of our team will need to gain safe access to the roof and will normally require a scaffold tower.

Before we can start the repointing it is important that the old cement is removed to a depth of roughly 2.5cm failure to do so will mean that any new mortar/cement will flake away within a matter of weeks.

Once this process is completed new cement is pointed into the chimney. This cement will be a specialist roofer mix that will stand up well to the elements and will last for many years to come


Again a typical chimney repair in Kent. Many chimneys in the Kent area are rendered this repair is not dissimilar to chimney repointing as we will need to completely remove the affected render from the chimney and replace.

Again B.L. Roofing & Sons will use a specialist roofers mix render to ensure that the chimney repair is good for many years to come.


If water is coming into your home due to problems with your chimney it is normally due to an issue with the leadwork flashing at the base of the chimney if this is the case B.L. Roofing & Sons will completely replace the lead flashings.

Before doing so we will check if there are any other underlying problems with the chimney breast of adjacent walls due to the leak if this is the case our specialist roofing and building team can carry out the necessary repairs.


Normally the repairs above will be enough to fix the problems with your chimney if this is not the case we may need to rebuild the chimney.

This last resort approach is down to the fact that dampness and water have blown the mortar and bricks.

If the chimney in need of repair is visibly leaning this can often indicate that a rebuild is needed.



24HR Repairs:

Compound 6, Kingsnorth Ironworks, Ashford Road, Kingsnorth, Ashford, Kent, TN26 1NJ

Contact Us

If you are in need of an emergency repair feel free to contact us 24HRS a day seven days a week.